Independent Engineer to Contract

CS&R are experienced in managing the role of Engineer to Contract (EtC). Operating independently to be both an expert advisor and representative to you, while also remaining impartial and fair when making decisions regarding the contracting parties, including payment claims. With independence from the design team and contractor’s team, CS&R provide an additional layer of independent protection when compared to one-stop shop suppliers or design and build contracts.

Ensuring your project is completed to the desired result, effectively and efficiently.

For complex, largescale construction or remediation projects it is often advisable to have an independent engineer to the contract, to both assist you through the project and difficult decision making, and provide practical and fair judgement on key elements of the project such as payment claims and requests for extensions of time. For those with strong experience in construction administration, an EtC may not be required, but for most clients the intricacies of a contract are not easily interpreted without knowledgeable help, and can become very important if a dispute arises. Disputes can be costly and add unnecessary time to a project so it is important to have a qualified and experienced EtC to guide through the process and ensure this is avoided, or rectified swiftly.

The role of an independent engineer to the contract is a dual one:

(a) Principal’s Agent: As the principal’s agent to give directions, supervise the works, and generally look after the principal’s interests in the performance of the contract; and

(b) Independent Certifier: As an independent person responsible for valuing claims and issuing certificates.

With CS&R acting as an engineer to the contract our clients are provided with logical advice and guidance to ensure all parties involved are working towards producing a better building efficiently and effectively.

"Giltrap Group Property Services have employed CS&R as Independent Engineer to Contract on major projects and have consistently been impressed by the team’s ability to deliver projects on time with an organised and structured approach.  CS&R offered sound expert advice throughout, guiding all parties through the tricky parts to deliver the best result within the agreed timescale and budget.”

Luke Senior, General Manager, Property, Giltrap